
This project involves people of Nelson assisting the restoration of Native Birds on Grampians by reducing the impact of predators on Native Birdlife by trapping the target species in a series of kill traps of an approved design.

What We Do

  • Help Native Birds by eradicating Pests
  • Maintain traps on the Grampians
  • Encourage residents to do simple things in their backyards

Native Birds

  • Tuis
  • Kereru / Native Pigeon
  • Bellbird, etc

What You Can Do

  • Donate Funds for traps
  • Control Pets
  • Make a Birdfeeder

Projects such as this are now becoming vital for the survival of Native Birds, and around New Zealand. Similar groups are being established as People realize the rapid enhancement of Native Birdlife when predators are controlled. Grampians will soon become a showcase for Birds and will compliment the work being undertaken at Brook Waimarama Sanctuary, Centre of New Zealand, Titoki Reserve, Marsden Valley and others.

Grampians are the hills right behind Nelson City. With a tall TV tower on top, they are visible from all around the City and suburbs.
Apart from a small private holding, the land is all owned by the City and covers an area of 161 Hectares. It extends from the City backdrop to a maximum height of 392 meters.

Grampians has a “recovering” area of podocarp Forest. Some mature Kahikatea (White Pine) trees add special significance to the Bush in the Southern end of the Hills. Otherwise predominant species are Whitewood, Kawakawa ,Tree Fushcia, Kanuka, Gum trees and tree fern (Ponga).
Grampians also has almost every unwanted weed known in this Country. If you want it I’m sure Grampians has it. Pines, Gorse, Broom, Budlea, Yew trees, Barbery, Pampas, Climbing Asparagus, Old Man Beard, Banana Passionfruit  and lots of others.

If you are ever bored and have time to spare how about pulling some weeds on Grampian or contact the Nelson City Council reserves Department as they will welcome your input to weed control and allow you to “adopt a spot” on Grampians.

How is this project being managed?

Existing Tracks on Grampians have been marked off at regular spaces and a series of kill Traps designed to target each predator species have been established at each site.
Monitoring of these traps is done on a regular basis by Volunteers of the trapping group and results collated to obtain seasonal trends, trapping techniques and progress towards predator reduction. Traps are kept from Public view where possible.

What Native Bird species live on Grampians now?

No official Bird count has been done on Grampians and there are quite good flocks of non native Birds such as various Finches and of course the common Blackbird Thrush Starling etc.
We know there are small Families of Tui, Bellbird, Kereru (Native Pigeon) Grey Warbler (Riroriro) Waxeye, a small population of (native) Owl, Weka and Brown Creeper and these are the Birds we are trying to protect.

Bryce Buckland